go In 2021, CATIDOM used 46,665 m3 of water for 239 days worked and 134 million parts processed.

watch Or 195 m3 of water per day 0.35 l of water per part

go In 2022, CATIDOM invested 50 k€ in a new osmosis unit and reduced its consumption by 8% to 43,057 m3 of water for 239 days worked and 182 million parts processed.

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Cheap Tramadol Cod This represents a reduction of almost 180 m3 of water per day and 0.24 l of water per part treated (-30%). In 2023, CATIDOM used 43,143 m3 of water for 237 days worked and 216 million pieces processed.

Tramadol Orders Stable in terms of consumption, but still a 16% improvement per part treated, with 0.2 l In 2 years, CATIDOM has reduced its water consumption by 8% per day and 40% per room treated. In 2024, CATIDOM has just signed an agreement with the French Water Agency to reduce its water consumption by 60-70%. The aim is to reach a maximum consumption of 50 m3 per day by the end of 2025. (3/4 less than in 2021).

enter Noise :

watch Noise barriers will be erected in 2023 to reduce CATIDOM’s environmental impact in terms of noise emissions. Health at work : Over the past 2 years, CATIDOM has invested €60,000 in upgrading the suction systems on these treatment lines to reduce any acid fumes.

get link Effluents : After being used as part of its surface treatment process, and having been depolluted in an effluent treatment plant, the water is returned to a river. Just as CATIDOM has been committed to reducing its water consumption since 2022, so CATIDOM is working to reduce its discharges and their content.   source site 2021 2022 Buying Tramadol Uk 2023
source Total m3 36794 35949 31763
Tramadol Online Rx m3 / day 154 150 134 This represents a 13% reduction in effluent in 2 years.

go to site By the end of 2022, taking advantage of an agreement signed with the French Water Agency in 2016, CATIDOM had reduced its Nickel and Chromium emissions by 70% and 12% respectively.

go site In 2023 and early 2024, as a result of the sharp increase (+50% from 2021 to 2022, then +30% from 2022 to 2023, i.e. a doubling in 2 years) in its phosphate consumption through the increased use of brightening and acid degreasing agents, CATIDOM invested €100,000 in redesigning its Praybrite treatment circuit so as not to increase its phosphate discharges. On this occasion, CATIDOM wanted to share its treatment method widely, in order to promote the environmental impact of the process. At the end of 2023, CATIDOM embarked on a highly ambitious plan to drastically reduce its nitrogen effluents, which should result in the almost complete elimination of its nitrogen discharges (nitrates and nitrites) by the end of 2024.